[linux-lvm] LVM snapshot merge and corrupted file
Guilherme Moro
2013-12-02 11:41:11 UTC

I know that is a too broad question, but please be kind ;)
The scenario:
RHEL 6.2 - snapshot a disk mounted over multipath device mapper
Upgrade system to RHEL 6.4
Merge the snapshot to return the system to previous state.
System get unstable and rebooting cyclic (not reaching user-level, at
least the logs don't show it)
Spot a file that got more or less 1200 bytes corrupted (mostly turned to 0).

Sadly, I got called to the machine too late to recover the console
output of the reboot (it's a blade and no console logs was
configured), and could figure out if some hardware failure happened.

As I don't have proper logs to further investigate my questions is:

- There are any know issues around snapshotting in this conditions
(RHEL 6.2 -> RHEL 6.4, multipath)?
- There's any chance of this being a software failure (bug?) and do
the restore procedure warn me in the logs (/var/log/message?) about
any failure during the restore (even if hardware related).

My main suspicion for now is a hardware failure somewhere, but I was
kindly asked to be sure that this can't be a bug.

Any thoughts or pointers (docs, pieces of code, testing reports) would
be appreciate, so don't be shy :)


Guilherme Moro

PS: Do Red Hat, or somebody else do any kind of continuous integration
tests on LVM?
Mike Snitzer
2013-12-02 14:39:11 UTC
On Mon, Dec 02 2013 at 6:41am -0500,
Post by Guilherme Moro
I know that is a too broad question, but please be kind ;)
RHEL 6.2 - snapshot a disk mounted over multipath device mapper
Upgrade system to RHEL 6.4
Merge the snapshot to return the system to previous state.
System get unstable and rebooting cyclic (not reaching user-level, at
least the logs don't show it)
Spot a file that got more or less 1200 bytes corrupted (mostly turned to 0).
The first rollback attempt was done in production?
Post by Guilherme Moro
Sadly, I got called to the machine too late to recover the console
output of the reboot (it's a blade and no console logs was
configured), and could figure out if some hardware failure happened.
- There are any know issues around snapshotting in this conditions
(RHEL 6.2 -> RHEL 6.4, multipath)?
Not aware of any.
Post by Guilherme Moro
- There's any chance of this being a software failure (bug?) and do
the restore procedure warn me in the logs (/var/log/message?) about
any failure during the restore (even if hardware related).
My main suspicion for now is a hardware failure somewhere, but I was
kindly asked to be sure that this can't be a bug.
Any thoughts or pointers (docs, pieces of code, testing reports) would
be appreciate, so don't be shy :)
The lvm2 testsuite has support for testing snapshot-merge; but it
doesn't test layering snapshot ontop of multipath.

Without context (e.g. logs) for what happened it is really hard to say
definitively whether or not you hit some software bug or if your problem
was hardware failure like you suspect.
Guilherme Moro
2013-12-02 15:46:36 UTC
Thanks for the response.
Post by Mike Snitzer
On Mon, Dec 02 2013 at 6:41am -0500,
Post by Guilherme Moro
I know that is a too broad question, but please be kind ;)
RHEL 6.2 - snapshot a disk mounted over multipath device mapper
Upgrade system to RHEL 6.4
Merge the snapshot to return the system to previous state.
System get unstable and rebooting cyclic (not reaching user-level, at
least the logs don't show it)
Spot a file that got more or less 1200 bytes corrupted (mostly turned to 0).
The first rollback attempt was done in production?
No, this is a test system, and the actual procedure was tested dozen
of times without any issue (we never checksummed the files, but the
system never got in a failed state before), so this is why we think is
probably hardware related.
Post by Mike Snitzer
Post by Guilherme Moro
Sadly, I got called to the machine too late to recover the console
output of the reboot (it's a blade and no console logs was
configured), and could figure out if some hardware failure happened.
- There are any know issues around snapshotting in this conditions
(RHEL 6.2 -> RHEL 6.4, multipath)?
Not aware of any.
This is great, the main reason for the e-mail was to confirm that no
known issue exists.
Post by Mike Snitzer
Post by Guilherme Moro
- There's any chance of this being a software failure (bug?) and do
the restore procedure warn me in the logs (/var/log/message?) about
any failure during the restore (even if hardware related).
My main suspicion for now is a hardware failure somewhere, but I was
kindly asked to be sure that this can't be a bug.
Any thoughts or pointers (docs, pieces of code, testing reports) would
be appreciate, so don't be shy :)
The lvm2 testsuite has support for testing snapshot-merge; but it
doesn't test layering snapshot ontop of multipath.
I supposed that, just confirming :)
Post by Mike Snitzer
Without context (e.g. logs) for what happened it is really hard to say
definitively whether or not you hit some software bug or if your problem
was hardware failure like you suspect.
A snippet of the messages log is here http://pastebin.com/3k1y358N
But I couldn't spot anything weird, besides the fact that the logs
never go past that until some 4 hours later. (the syslog error goes
away after 2 hours, probably the right file get delivered by puppet in
the meantime, don't know how tho, but even this is not enough to get
logs further than that immediately). Anyway, didn't send the logs
before because they seem useless :)
Just on the other question, does LVM spit out any output if things
goes wrong during the restore?

We are hooking on our CI a test to snapshot -> upgrade -> restore,
with proper file checksum in place, so let's see if we can ever
reproduced it in normal operation.


Guilherme Moro
