[linux-lvm] lvextend on snapshotted lv
2014-05-07 07:38:42 UTC

why is it not possible to extend a lv, how long a snapshot of it exist.

Kind regards
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Henning Matthes

perl -00pe0

Unix System Administration / Infrastructure Services / NMS-OSV(extern)

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Marian Csontos
2014-05-07 13:05:08 UTC
Post by M***@bertelsmann.de
why is it not possible to extend a lv, how long a snapshot of it exist.
Hello, I would say a design decision - snapshots were meant mostly for
short-term usage e.g. while creating a backup copy of a snapshot.

If you need more flexibility have a look at thin snapshots.


-- Marian
Post by M***@bertelsmann.de
Kind regards
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Henning Matthes
perl -00pe0
Unix System Administration / Infrastructure Services / NMS-OSV(extern)
arvato Systems GmbH
An der Autobahn 200
33333 Gütersloh
Phone: +49 5241 80-49591
arvato Systems GmbH: Sitz Gütersloh | Amtsgericht Gütersloh HRB 3981
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